Assistant Manager
Charmaine has had many years working in a variety of childcare environments gaining a wealth of experience during this time. She holds a Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education.
Due to her husband being in the military, Charmaine spend time working in an English nursery in Cyprus where she was deputy manager up until 2013 prior to joining Appletrees. Charmaine has two children of her own.
Charmaine joined Appletrees in September 2013.
Additional Training: EDEXCEL Level 2 NVQ in Children’s Care Learning and Development (2009), Cache Level 3 Diploma in Home-based Care (2006), Food Hygiene, Paediatric First Aid, Manual Handling, Child Protection Basic Awareness, Safeguarding Level 1 and 2, Behaviour Management, Makaton, Manual Handling, Forest School Workshop, Baby Room Project, Small World Workshop, Planning for the Environment, Letters and Sounds Phase 1 & 2 Workshop, Communicating with Parents, Prevent Duty, Closing the Gap Mathematics, Food Safety & Hygiene, Enriching Child’s Play Environment, GDPR In Early Years, FGM Training, Twoness of Twos, Blossoming Babies, Online Safety, Breast Ironing, Biting in Early Years, Illness & Infection Control.
+ Charmaine is a fully qualified level 3 first aider.