Senior Early Years Practitioner
Jane’s enthusiasm and natural ability with children makes her an ideal and welcome addition to the Appletrees team. She holds a Level 3 qualification in Children and Young People Workforce which she completed in November 2014. Part of her training involved a successful placement at a local primary school where she is still held in high regard
Jane comes from a family of childcare and education professionals and has always wanted to follow a similar path of working with children.
Jane joined Appletrees in November 2014.
Additional Training: Safeguarding, Child Behaviour Management, First Aid, Manual Handling, Forest School Workshop, Baby Room Project, Small World Workshop, Planning for the Environment, Letters and Sounds Phase 1 & 2 Workshop, Communicating with Parents, Prevent Duty and British Values, Sensory Integration & Awareness training, Food Safety & Hygiene, Enriching Child’s Play Environment, GDPR In Early Years, FGM Training. Specific SEN & SENCO Training, Twoness of Twos, Blossoming Babies, Illness & Infection Control, Biting in Early Years, Children’s Mental Health, Online Safety, Breast Ironing, Effective Teaching & Learning, Let’s Create a World of Play, In the Moment Planning.
+ Jane is a fully qualified level 3 first aider.