Owner, Manager & Designated Safe Guard Lead (DSL)
With over 25 years experience in Early Years and 22 years as a N.N.E.B qualified childcare professional, Lucy has worked in a variety of childcare settings, as an Early Years Practitioner and Manager, and gained extensive knowledge and expertise in all areas of childcare, development, behaviour and education.
Lucy is passionate about providing the very best for your child, and strives for excellence at Appletrees Day Nursery.
Lucy opened Appletrees in May 2009.
Additional Training: ILM certificate in 1st Line Management, Management in Early Years, Management of Senco, Disability Discrimination Act, Child Protection, Equal Opportunities, Team Building, Positive Team Work, Partnerships with Parents, Paediatric First aid, Food hygiene, Senco, Child Behaviour Management, Senior Early Years Practitioner, Birth to Three, Foundation Stage, EYFS briefing, Festivals and Cultural Diversity, World Music, Communication Language and Literacy, Music in the Early Years, Creative Development, Promoting Self Esteem and Social Awareness, The Magic of Science in Early Years, Outdoor Play, Use of Space in Early Years, Business Planning in the Early Years Setting, Food Safety Legislation level 2, Safeguarding Children, Health and Safety, Creativity and Creative Thinking, CAF training, Forest school induction, Risk and Assessment, Revised EYFS Briefing, Level 2 Safeguarding Training for DLP, Understanding Planning, Assessment in PVI Settings, CYPS Safer Recruitment Training, Early Years Leadership Forum (Termly), Closing the Gap Mathematics, Manual Handling, Forest School Workshop, Baby Room Project, Small World Workshop, Planning for the Environment, Letters and Sounds Phase 1 & 2 Workshop, Prevent Duty, Sensory Integration & Awareness training, Food Safety & Hygiene, Enriching Child’s Play Environment. GDPR In Early Years, FGM Training, Twoness of Twos.
+ Lucy is a fully qualified level 3 first aider.